Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hazy Skies Across Northern California...

Sunday June 22nd, 2008 would have been a good day to stay indoors and cool off as the sky was very unhealthy for sensitive groups, people who suffer from allergies. Over 500 wildfires were burning across Northern California that were sparked by lighting on Saturday. As you can imagine many firefighters from across the state came to help calm down the fires before they get out of control. Just to name a few fires were sparked in Napa County quickly moving into a mostly rural area of Solano County, the on going Santa Cruz fire which started on Friday, some parts in Placer County and the Tuolumne-Calaveras area as well. Even though the fires were sparked miles away from Sacramento, it was very hazy which reminded me of Los Angeles during the summer when it gets extremely polluted. The picture above was taken southbound on Interstate 5. Besides the fires we saw very warm temperatures Friday and Saturday that reached over 100 degrees.... very hot and humid across Northern California as the first day of summer rolled on in.

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