Thursday, April 3, 2008

Local Station Enters for a Heniz 57 Commercial Ad

About a year ago the CBS 13 production crew entered for contest for the Heniz 57 commercial...Unforuently Hinez did not pick their idea but it was nice to see a local station enter for a national contest, I must say its very creative.


  1. And by the way, spelling "Heinz" as "Heniz" instead of "Hinez" this time still didn't get you anywhere...

  2. Congrats to Eric Candiani, he also has another spot in a tide UGC contest.

    On another note, I'm curious why you didn't mention the massive layoffs at CBS13/CW31. Those are the biggest in years, and have sent shockwaves throughout the Sac news production circles.

    Or for that matter, the news of Audrey Farrington resigning as GM of KTXL after having been there for the last 9 years. She has been replaced with a new GM from San Diego who is very news heavy. Don't know what changes are in store, but expect increased/expanded news coverage from them.

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